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out url icon Recercat Degradation of pharmaceuticals from membrane biological reactor sludge with Trametes versicolor Llorens-Blanch, Guillem ; Badia-Fabregat, Marina ; Lucas, Daniel ; Rodríguez Mozaz, Sara ; Barceló i Cullerés, Damià ; Pennanen, Taina ; Caminal, Gloria ; Blánquez, Paqui
doc icon DUGiDocs 1 febrer 2015 Degradation of pharmaceuticals from membrane biological reactor sludge with Trametes versicolor Llorens Blanch, Guillem ; Badia Fabregat, Marina ; Lucas, Daniel ; Rodríguez Mozaz, Sara ; Barceló i Cullerés, Damià ; Pennanen, Taina ; Caminal, Gloria ; Blánquez, Paqui
out url icon Recercat Fungal treatment for the removal of endocrine disrupting compounds from reverse osmosis concentrate: Identification and monitoring of transformation products of benzotriazoles Llorca, Marta ; Badia-Fabregat, Marina ; Rodríguez Mozaz, Sara ; Caminal, Gloria ; Vicent, Teresa ; Barceló i Cullerés, Damià
out url icon Recercat Fungal treatment for the removal of endocrine disrupting compounds from reverse osmosis concentrate: Identification and monitoring of transformation products of benzotriazoles Llorca, Marta ; Badia-Fabregat, Marina ; Rodríguez Mozaz, Sara ; Caminal, Gloria ; Vicent, Teresa ; Barceló i Cullerés, Damià
out url icon Recercat Fungal treatment for the removal of endocrine disrupting compounds from reverse osmosis concentrate: Identification and monitoring of transformation products of benzotriazoles Llorca, Marta ; Badia-Fabregat, Marina ; Rodríguez Mozaz, Sara ; Caminal, Gloria ; Vicent, Teresa ; Barceló i Cullerés, Damià
out url icon Recercat 5 juny 2018 Fungal treatment for the removal of endocrine disrupting compounds from reverse osmosis concentrate: Identification and monitoring of transformation products of benzotriazoles Llorca, Marta ; Badia-Fabregat, Marina ; Rodríguez Mozaz, Sara ; Caminal, Gloria ; Vicent, Teresa ; Barceló i Cullerés, Damià
out url icon Recercat 15 febrer 2020 Fungal treatment for the removal of endocrine disrupting compounds from reverse osmosis concentrate: Identification and monitoring of transformation products of benzotriazoles Llorca, Marta ; Badia Fabregat, Marina ; Rodríguez Mozaz, Sara ; Caminal, Gloria ; Vicent, Teresa ; Barceló i Cullerés, Damià
doc icon DUGiDocs Fungal treatment for the removal of endocrine disrupting compounds from reverse osmosis concentrate: Identification and monitoring of transformation products of benzotriazoles Llorca, Marta ; Badia Fabregat, Marina ; Rodríguez Mozaz, Sara ; Caminal, Gloria ; Vicent, Teresa ; Barceló i Cullerés, Damià

